The outrage from the democrats that Joe Lieberman said he would fillibuster the 1900+ page health care bill came as no surprise. Although he ran and won as an independent, the democratic party thought if they didn't take away his role in congress then he'd assuredly vote in lock step with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and company. Much to their "feigned" surprise, Lieberman will actually act as an independent and with his own thought process, which is to cast his lot and fillibuster if possible against the new and revised health care bill. Doesn't really matter that this promised to be open administration met behind closed doors with a select few to create this monstosity of a bill, Lieberman has been declared anything from a traitor to be a pawn for the insurance industry. Business as usual in the congress, with nary a "change" from previous administrations, scolded by this president and this congress as secretive and acting only for themselves.
I personally appreciate Lieberman voting his conscience, as he repeatedly explained to anyone who asked, but to those pushing the new, revised , and larger than can ever be read and understood health care bill, he only voted that way because he was beholden to the health care industry for their campaign contributions to him. Now I am vehemently opposed to all lobbyists and their continued and growing influence on the two parties attempting to run our country for their own selfish purposes, but is it just possible that Lieberman voted his conscience ? The fact is that Lieberman has never been accused of taking a bribe, never been under scrutiny or investigation for ethics violations, and switched to an independent after being villified for agreeing with Bush on Iraq. INDEPENDENT. A foreign concept in this country filled with hate and vitriol between the two parties we've grown to distrust, where giant egos and self interests, not the people's, prevail on a daily basis. Fox and msnbc accusing each other of either hating or destroying this country. Our media has gotten almost as pathetic as our government.
As I've previously stated, I'd like a platter filled with different and viable candidates from numerous parties, to be given a chance to truly lead this country and the people who comprise it, to real and acted upon change, not just more rhetoric.
But wait, only one day after Lieberman was lambasted by the democrats, did a leak in the very secretive ethics committee just how many congresspersons, mainly democrats, were being investigated by the ethics committee. I thought we were going to have the most open and honest administration ever. Haha. I never believed one word of these false promises, but it sure helped get Obama elected. Now if there was one word of truth to any of the promises made to the citizens of this country regarding ethics and lobbyists and real change (remember "audacity of change"), as opposed to coddling dictators and foreign leaders opposed to any true democracy, then Obama would call for the resignation of all those guilty of using the public trust, and their own positions of power, for their own selfish, greedy purposes, from Rangel to Murtha and Waters as well as Dodd and ALL congresspersons under the enormous cloud of suspicion, for good reason. At least temporarily take them off of the committees that they are running at this time. Something. This is not an attack on just democrats, but on the entire congress of democrats and republicans, who continue to use their positions of power, though elected by the people, for their own selfish motives. Does anyone think that criminal Duke Cunningham, who was sending men and women off to war so he can financially capitalize on government contracts, was an exception to the thievery and greed that permeates our congress ? Quite the opposite. The exceptions are those rare politicians who truly act for the betterment of all the people of this country, not for special interest groups, and their contributions to the democratic and republican party.
What makes me and should make everyone sick, is that NOTHING will happen to those crooks who have used the public trust and their access and their power for their own personal gain. Jane Harmon and others, that includes you.
Perhaps if our president would stop posing and smiling and follow through on the promises he made to the citizens of this country, by repudiating the ethics violations of everyone, including all those in his own party, and actually do anything to end the horrendous lobbying that goes on a daily basis, and maintain and open administration on a daily basis, not after meeting with a few friends behind closed doors, to come up with a health care disaster, that will hurt more americans than it will help, while failing to be straight with the american public about the true cost of this health care package, which would include all of the costs, including those that will have to paid to the doctors, which is the subject matter of a separate bill.
The time has come to institute real change in this country, and that will only start with the elimination of our two party system and the lobbyists that essentially run it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
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Nice Post!!