It amazes me how government by the people and for the people has descended into lobbyists, with automatic entry to every decision made by politicians, speaking on behalf of 200+ million americans and sitting by the handfuls, in every congressional office in Washington, not to mention the Executive branch. How have we sunk so low where former senators, assemblymen, ceo's of industry, government lawyers, and the super rich, liberals and conservatives alike,, as well as their own hand picked p.r. stooges, get to speak on behalf of all americans, with whom they could not care less about?
This is not an attack on either of our 2 parties, rather on both of them. One would have thought that the Jack Abramhoff drama would have given politicians pause to continue allowing Washington "insiders" access to our governmental leaders, who were elected to act on behalf of the people they serve. By access, I mean spend whatever it takes to see that the lobbyists own agendas are fulfilled. Of course, the lobbyists are not representing you or I, but rather the big business, industry, country/dictatorship, et. al. that employs them, at sickening expense. I do believe that if Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Lincoln were to awake from their permanent slumber, they wouldn't believe what they were witnessing. Lobbyists and their p.r. hacks are full time businesses that benefit themselves for peddling influence and lots of money. Honestly, do they work for any of the middle class, who has lost all confidence in our government to act 100% for the people without having to make deals with the pharmaceutical companies or banking industry or the NRA or any of thousands of entities there to serve they're own purposes ? Not 1 iota.
President Obama vowed to end lobbyists in government, as one of his many campaign promises. Not only was that a total fiction now, it was false when he said it. My guess is that there is more lobbyists today than during the Bush years.
The only chance this country has in handing it back to the people is to make some drastic changes to our two (2) party system and the lobbyists that run it.
Our country has been hijacked by the rich and powerful and the high priced lobbyists that work for them. It's not about Obama and not about Bush. It's our political system, which seeps into the media, the fourth estate, and every important decision made by congress and the president that affects all americans.
The people of this country are like ping pong balls in a game played by republicans and democrats. The people are completely left out of the process of governing, un less you count the political caucuses and gerrymandering , our elected officials have worked so hard to keep.
I speak on behalf of the average middle class american, not a right or left winger, not a liberal, not a conservative, not affiliated with any party, industry or cause, in which to make money from. I speak with countless middle class americans who all feel that there is nothing that they can do and feel resigned to the fate that our government does not speak or work for them.
I want the people to regain their foothold in this country, as promised by our forefathers, not just empty campaign promises, with no ability, if not intent, to keep them. We need to remove control of our country from special interest groups and a select few. I'm not sure how we get there, but I'm certain we're doomed if we don't.
Perhaps opening up our election process to many more parties, such as a libertarian party, conservative party, independent party, and common man party, all allowed to campaign without unlimited amounts of money, controlling the process. It's beyond obscene for a presidential campaign or congressional campaign or primary for that matter, to cost a billion dollars. Insane if you think about it.
We need drastic change in the governing of our country where the people's voice can be heard and acted upon.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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