Monday, November 16, 2009

Lobbyists Rule Our Government- A Frightening Update

Less than one (1) month ago I officially opened up my blog with my plea that the people of the United States can live in a country where our elected office holders represent the people and not the people/lobbyists that pay them.

I am literally dumbfounded how corrupt and influenced our government and elected politicians are and yet it continues unabated as if we, the people, have to accept what we're told to want or like or need. At least until today, I still subscribe to the Sunday New York Times, and read about the utter contempt our government elected congresspersons have for the people who elected them. There were forty two different representatives articulating the same party line handed down from one of the legal lobbyists employed by Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche, an international conglomerate, and by two (2) Washington law firms.

One of the members, owned and paid for by Genentech and some law firm said he got the statement from his staff and had no idea where they got the information from. Huh ? I would think "the language" that the Congressman has printed in the Congressional Record would come from him, he elected by his district.

The statements all placed in the Confressional Record were based on information supplied by Genentech employees to one of it's many lobbyists, Matthew Berzok, a lawyer at Ryan, MacKinnon, Vasapoli and Berzok, who is identified as the "author" of the documents. The statements authored by Berzok were disseminated by more lobbyists at a giant law firm, Sonnenschein Nath and Rosenthal, just two days before the House vote. Todd Weiss, senior managing director at Sonnenschein, said : "We are trying to secure as many House republicans and democrats to offer this/these statements for the record as possible".

Weiss said he told "the lobbyists" to "conduct aggressiveoutreach to your contacts on the Hill to see if their bosses would offer the attached statements (or and edited version) for the record. Despite engaging in recent years in stepped up campaign contributions to many House memebers, and hosting numerous fund raisers for our lawmakers, Evan Morris, head of Genentech's Washington office, said "There was no connection between the contributions and the statements".

Mr.Morris said Republicans and Democrats, concerned about the unemployment rate, were receptive to the company's arguments about the need to keep research jobs in the United States. The N.Y. Times lobbyists that wrote this article have the temerity and audacity to claim that the statements weren't meant to change the bill, but only to show bipartisan support for certain provisions. Huh ? I find it beyond appalling and shameful that lawyers and employees from multi-national corporations that give money and throw parties and fund raisers for the representatives that THE PEOPLE elect get to write what is contained in this massive health care bill, one of the most wide sweeping bills affecting all Americans, while our elected representatives continue to sell their votes and beliefs to the highest bidder.

Asked about the Congressional statements, another lobbyist (have you begun to understand that Lobbyist do rule our government, yet) close to Genentech said : "This happens ALL THE TIME. There was nothing NEFARIOUS about it". Huh?

We the people need to eliminate lobbyists from the governing of the United States. The way to begin this much needed and often promised change is to vote out every representative of the House and of the Senate that compromises and sells out his vote to any lobbyist. Before any politician takes the oath of office, he or she should promise that he or she will not allow any lobbyist to influence his/her decision AND to remove himself or herself from any committee while under scrutiny for ethical violations.

To allow a vote on a health care bill, clearly compromised and clearly not representing the desires of most Americans, framed behind closed doors, after all the bribes given and promised, is enough of a reason to end all access by lobbyists, lawyers, and the large multi nationals.
Obama's promise in his 1 year multi billion dollar campaign for president, was that there will be and end to lobbyists on his watch. haha. Just like his previous support for campaign finance reform. The only audacity I've seen from this President, is the blatant lying and "politics as usual" that has permeated this administration from day one. Obama just becomes another politician that doesn't think twice from telling the voters what he knows they want to hear, until there is no longer a need for their vote.

What further evidence do we need to end this corruption and grasp on our government and significant policies to all Americans, by lobbyists, lawyers, and multi nationals, all in the pocket of most (if not all) politicians, elected by the PEOPLE of the United States.

When an elected official not only abdicates his oath of office to act on behalf of those that elected him/her, but gives it to an unelected person or law firm or corporation in exchange for money, favors, and other type of bribe, it is time to elect someone other than those in office. This is further evidence that the two (2) party system is an abject failure and only by opening up our federal and state elections to multiple parties (independent,libertarian, business person, common man/woman, conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, to name a few that come to mind) will the people of this country be truly represented by those who have no desire in using their office as a bargaining chip for their own selfish and greedy purposes.

Too many people are too entrenched in the nefarious affairs of our government and I'm afraid the people of this country are going to have to let our public elected officials that they will not accept this anymore despite their refusal to change business as usual.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Beware of the Gay Soldier

Allah Akbar are not words you'll ever hear uttered by a good old fashioned gay soldier. Nor will you have ever heard that a gay soldier just "snapped", after enduring a lifetime of unprovoked hatred, discrimination, and harassment, and massacred fifty (50) of his fellow American soldiers. For that matter, I've never heard of a jewish soldier or black soldier , unaffiliated with Islam and their good old jihadist battle cry, ever "snap" after suffering from a lifetime of prejudice, bigotry, and physical abuse, and slaughter his or her fellow soldiers.

Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton would be turning over in their graves if they heard that Gen. Casey say he'll sacrifice the lives of soldiers in the U.S.Army for having the greatest diversity of race, creed, and religion, (not gay, however) within it's army, regardless that we have been fighting Islamic and muslim extremists since long before Sept. 11, and despite the fact that Al Qaeda, the Taliban, all Jihadists, and a host of other followers of Islam, are bent on death and destruction to America, as well as an end to Israel as a country and Jews as a civilization. But I think "don't ask don't tell" seems to be the most politically expedient way to address an overlooked, under appreciated portion of our military, the gay soldiers who have served our country, from the time it was founded, regardless of their personal sexual preferences. They attended the same churches and synagogues as did the non gay people. They never called Al Qaeda or anyone else that plots against the U.S. on a daily basis. But the utter insanity of discriminating against our gay soldiers , while using every stupid, inexcusable defense, to find any reason other than the very obvious fact that our American soldiers were slaughtered by a muslim extremist terrorist employed by the United States Army. Fake P.T.S.D.'s and sudden snaps are make believe excuses for what transpired. Joe Klein's immediate take was that Jews were responsible for the odious outcry against Hasan. That's it Joe, the Jews made Hasan so angry, which made him snap and praise Allah before massacring American soldiers, men, women,pregnant, otherwise. This on the heels of his reverance of AlQaeda and his fanaticism of Allah. Evan Thomas' wishing Hasan was anything but a muslim makes me yearn for the days oh Henry Luce. The N.Y. Times, Time and Newsweek are shells of the newspaper and magazines they once were. Chris Matthews asking what exactly was it that Hasan do wrong when discussing the fact that Hasan tried repeatedly to communicate with Al Qaeda.

It's difficult enough for me to comprehend how can it be possible that gays can't marry if they so choose. Sure seems like a religious thing that keeps causing the attempts to legalize it to lose at the ballot box. Why else? Not really anyone else's business. Not fair to be denied ability to marry because other people are against it. Then they don't have to do it. I'd be much more concerned with a couple of heterosexual jihadists living among us in the United States. Call me crazy. Our legislature was close to banning it completely so I guess the states have to keep educating those opposed on anything other than religious grounds, but I think those are far and few between, and get more than 50% of the voters of their state to agree.

Amazing to me why this is not an inherent right in our secular world. Gen. Casey is more worried that the ACLU and/or some other civil, muslim, arab organization or United Nations will frown on the United States should the safety of all the soldiers take preference of the need for diversity than the safety of our Armed Forces. How Hasan was allowed to remain in the Army, let alone be left at Ft.Hood must be a wake- up call for our military in general, and the United States Army. The last thing this country needs are apologists and those in denial both in government, military and the media , our Fourth Estate, there to supposedly protect our country and to supposedly report the news.

Our world wide enemy, who happen to exist in the U.S.Army, are Islamic and muslim extremists. They are real. They are terrorists. That requires that we be extraordinary careful with our handling of muslims that happen to be either seeking to enter or already in the United States military. This is not a difficult decision given what is at stake, is the health, safety, and welfare for all Americans, peaceful muslims included. The present is the absolute wrong time for political stupidity otherwise
known as correctness.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

From One Extreme To Another

As I approach 62 I'm old enough to remember the Communist witchhunts, as typified by the House on Unamerican Activities , led by that hateful human being, Sen. Joe McCarthy. At the same time, there was rampant and blatant discrimination against blacks and jews, from hangings to beatings and to prohibition from clubs, hotels, restaurants, and schools, just because of their color and/or race. Those were shameful and unforgiveable times. Through the efforts of some brave Americans, black and white this country made significant progress in the form of Civil Rights Acts, and for standing up against the evil that permeated this country. Though racism against blacks and anti-semitism, still unfortunately exist in this country (it would have been a miracle for this inherent hatred to be totally eradicated), for the most part, this country has made great strides in taking us away from our hellish past.

What has transpired over the past twenty (20) years or so is a political correctness that has swung the pendulum too far so as not to offend the sensibilities of those that have been wrongfully decried as victims. This country has been under attack by Islamic and Arab terrorists for more than twenty (20) years. Israel has been under the same attack for more than fifty (50)
years. The massacre and slaughter at Fort Hood is just an example of the political correctness that has overtaken our militaryas well as our media and our present administration. My first and foremost concern is the safety and welfare of all Americans, particularly those soldiers that stand in harm's way to protect our freedom and civil liberties. It goes without question that Nidal Malik Hasan should not have been allowed to serve in the U. S. Army, based on his conduct and his beliefs. To be told that he snapped, which thus caused him to massacre more than 40 American soldiers on the base where he was allowed , after screaming his Islam loving and American hating words, and the people shouldn't rush to judgement, even though everything points to him as being a muslim terrorist, bent on his support of Al Qaeda, is an affront to all Americans, including all peaceful American muslims. The fear by our President and the majority of our media from calling this terrorist act for what it is, and calling him out for what he is, is disgraceful and feeds into the political correctness, that led us to this place we are now in.

When I hear Chris Matthews and his friends at msnbc label Rush Limbaugh and others who dare disagree with Matthews, et. al. as anti-americans, while asking what is wrong or the crime in Hasan attempting to communicate, if not communicating, no less than ten (10) to twenty (20) times with Al Qaeda and radical Islamists, I fear for our country by the abject failure of our media to honestly address the real problems facing this country as opposed to promulgating animus toward fellow Americans. Does Mr. Matthews think Al Qaeda are the good guys ? Can he give me one good reason why a major in the U.S. Army, would on his own wish to repeatedly communicate with Al Qaeda ? Exactly where has Mr. Matthews been for the past twenty (20)
years. Are anti-American lectures, communications, and rhetoric now acceptable behavior in our country ? No one ever denied that Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist and we've never shied away from calling white supremacists out for who they were. Why now the refusal to call Islamic and muslim terrorists exactly what they are. It's embarrassing that people like Matthews and
Olbermann are allowed to blame Limbaugh and others for the murder of an abortion doctor, with absolutely no basis in fact, and call them anti-American for their own opinions on what is best for this country, because they disagree with their own opinions, while making excuses and attempting to justify the blatant muslim terrorist massacre by a flat out jihadist, bent on causing mayhem toward American soldiers. Does anyone in the media or our President , for that matter, think that there was ever going to be the possibility that Hasan was going to "snap" in side the muslim mosques that he prayed in ? I don't think so. Please don't insult any of us that his mental problems was why he happened to call out for Allah before murdering and attempting to murder more than forty (40) soldiers on the largest U.S. Army base in the United States.

I can't believe that Gen. Casey and the present administration is more concerned with hurting the feelings of the majority of the muslims in our country than the safety of all good Americans, particularly those in the military. Claims by our administration and the media of a backlash by Americans toward peaceful muslims not bent on the destruction of America and Israel, should muslim extremist terrorist acts be called exactly what they are, is a political correctness that we can no longer afford. Whom are we trying to appease by all the excuses proffered by the politically correct apologists ?

Please note that I am not a fan of Rush Limbaugh or of any of the talk radio and /or right wing/ left wing television commentators that do little other than spew their vitriolic rhetoric at each other based on their own opinions, that apparently do not allow for any other interpretation.

Personally I've been an independent for as long as I can remember and frankly haven't liked the choices given to me for U.S. President since I've been old enough to vote. Notwithstanding, I've heard the "love it or leave it" mantra in the past, for disagreeing with whatever administration I've disagreed with, but never been called a "nut" or "anti-American" or "crazy" or most recently, "racist" for disagreeing with the policies of the current administration.

In fact, I spent the majority of my years as an attorney representing the less fortunate, and more particularly, minorities, under the California Government Code, for discrimination, as well as under various federal statutes. Growing up relatively poor in the Bronx, in one of the first middle class projects, built in New York City, I never looked at any individual by the color of their skin or their ethnicity. To now be labeled as a racist, not personally, but lumping in with others for my personal opinions, is a step back for this country and something for which I will vehemently oppose. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of one's skin color or ethnicity. I believe that to my core. Excuses are just that, excuses.

I read the other day in the New York Post, about an incident that occurred in a Harlem bar, not far from Columbia Universary. The article described how an apparently "prominent Columbia architecture professor" , Lionel McIntyre, punched out a woman, Camille Davis, while having a "discussion" about "white privelege". Mr. McIntyre, black, obviuosly didn't like the position taken by Ms. Davis, white. He desribed the incident as unfortunate. Unfortunate ? This is a classic example of modern day racism and is nothing short of a hate crime. I've yet to see one word about this "unfortunate incident" anywhere other than in this New York Post column. Not a sound from our President, quick to condemn the Cambridge cop, for the audacity of doing his job in reference to the President's good friend, Prof. Gates. Not a peep from Mr.Matthews or anyone in our politically correct media. Mr. McIntyre is actually an associate professor in the practice of community development within Columbia's graduate school of Architecture, Planning and Presentation, created in 1995. Not quite a prominent architectural professor. At the very least, he should have been suspended pending confirmation of what he did, then summarily fired and charged with a hate crime. Don't hold your breath. What do you think would have happened had a white professor knocked out a black woman, while discussing black privilege and affirmative action ? Racism in reversed role is still racism.

It's time for the people of this country to open up their eyes to the hypocrisy going on around them, with a blind eye to the terrorism and racism taking place in today's world, and not be frightened off by politically correctness.

Jackie Robinson and Larry Doby, the first black baseball players to play in the national league and american league, respectively, never lifted a finger against any of the thousands of fans and hundreds of ballplayers that spewed racial epithets. Things have not necessarily changed for the better.

Jimmy the Greek Snyder and Al Campanis had their long and noble careers destroyed as well as their lives for politically incorrect statements, labeled as racist, despite the fact that they never exhibited any racism in their entire lives. It's finally time to end this foolish political correctness in our society and call things , people, and actions for what they truly are.

Monday, November 9, 2009

From Carson to Letterman; Cronkite to Hannity/Olberman

I watched Johnny Carson for about 30 years of my life and never knew how he felt about the party in power or what his idealogical beliefs were. He entertained america night after night without attempting to influence americans or use his status and ability to reach out to millions and millions of americans on his personal feeling about past or present presidents. That was a very good thing.

Times have changed 180 degrees, much to our detriment.

Now we get nightly put downs of Bush, Cheney, and Palin from that paragon of virtue and humanity from Mr. Letterman, almost one full tear since our presidency has been taken over by a super cool celebrity, who appears off limits from real criticsm.

When Bush and co. were in power Mr. Letterman took deadly aim on them nightly, poking fun, and pejoratively taking shots at them repeatedly, without an iota of respect for the office. Well now the office is very respected and praised quite often as Bush, Cheney, Palin (mainly those three) are still pilloried on almost a nightly basis. Why ? I guess because it's the cool thing to do, or so he thinks. I think not.

I think that it is mean spirited and an abuse of Mr.Letterman's control of the airwaves. How about trying to be genuinely funny, as opposed to sucking up to another idealogue, such as Bill "mr. know it all" Maher. I don't want to be told how or what to think by anyone. This applies equally to Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Matthews and Rachel Maddow. Just report the news. The facts, not your very personal opinion.

The one sidedness of our media, from newscasters to political commentators to late night and midday talk show hosts is an affront to all americans and not in the best interests of this country. Now I'm no fan of any of these networks, outside of PBS, but for this administartion to single out one network as being anti-american is beyond comical. This is supposed to be a COUNTRY that promotes freedom of speech, not hate bearing speech like so many of the anti-american muslims, living in this country, whether it's a network that supports your ldealogy or one that opposes it. The level of vitriol and hate filled attacks by one side against the other must cease. We all lose when we can't foster open and honest debate and discourse.

Unfortunately, Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, and Claire Booth Luce are gone and we are left with a bunch of celebrities fighting for ratings at our expense, only seeking fame, fortune, and laughs at the expense of all of the citizens of the United States.

Boy, do I miss Johnny Carson and Walter Cronkite.

The Audacity of Politics

When I hear that the house passed the new and revised health care legislation by a
220-215 vote, I asked myself what that meant. Sure, the senate will unlikely affirm the current bill, but what if it does pass by a 51-49 vote. That would mean that by a 50.7 - 49.3 % vote of the congress, every american in the united states would be forever affected by this health care plan. It just doesn't seem fair to all americans that by one of the narrowest passages of a bill in our history, the most sweeping change to america's health care would be foisted on all americans. Really makes no sense. Despite campaign promises adnauseum of an open and honest government, we have closed door sessions by a chosen few, political dealmaking from start to finish,and a complete failure of any open and honest discussion by all americans on the issue, responsible for a 2000 page hodge podge of a bill affecting every single american.

Where is the entire public's right to be heard on this most sweeping and important piece of legislation since our civil rights laws ? Nothing to be afraid of if it's all of the united states that will be affected by this bill. It's nowhere present, because the only change that has taken place is that we've gone from one party and it's own personal agenda running our government for their own self purposes to another party's using their position of power for their own self interests. Once again we the people of the united states get used as another ping pong ball, for the ugly and personal politics of the republican and democratic parties. I say a pox on both parties. How 50.7% of a corrupt congress can speak for 100% of americans is outrageous to me, particularly when most americans only wish to lower their healthcare costs, not 100% change the american healthcare system. Anything that will permanently change the healthcare system of the united states should be the product of open and honest debate by all americans and not just by our congress and media talking heads who can't agree on anything.
The divide gets wider by the day, and our government remains politics as usual. Statistics used to suit each party's own agenda as opposed to the real truth.
The people of this country need to be heard and listened to as opposed to being told what to expect and when they dare disagree with proposed sweeping legislation, not be told how wrong or stupid they are, or that they are anti-american.

To hear our politically correct government and media treat this Muslim mass murderer of our men and women of our military, as some sort of misunderstood victim of depression and racial abuse, is beyond sickening. A lifetime muslim who was vehemently opposed to any war involving the United States and any arab country; who espoused beliefs of women as 2nd class citizens; who spent time on his computer reading the value and worth of suicide bombers; and who who praised Allah while commencing to conduct the worst mass murder on a U.S. Army base in american history, and we're told to withhold judgement and not feel any ill feelings to the muslim world, is a more than I can fathom. I must call it as I see it. A muslim terrorist inside the U.S. Army, bent on the destruction of the United States. But we have an administration that has clearly chosen sides on where it /the president falls on indignation and outrage.

Compare and contrast the following:

" I don't know not having been there and not seeing all the facts what role race played in that, but I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that he [Cambridge police] acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home."


" This morning I met with FBI Director Mueller and the relevant agencies to discuss their ongoing investigation into what caused one individual to turn his gun on fellow servicemen and women. We don't know all the answers yet and I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts. "

and... "we cannot fully know what leads a man to do such a thing."

Can we at least say he acted stupidly ?

The bias of our present administration and its constant attempt to portray the Muslim world in the best light possible disregarding all the facts in front of it, is disgraceful and a slap in the face to the victims of this terrorist slaughter and to all american soldiers that love the United States and fight for this country first and foremost and for freedom in the world abhoring terrorism.

I don't wish to hear from the murderer's Muslim cousin nor psychiatrists trying to explain his violent outburst. How this hateful muslim can be allowed a lateral transfer from Walter Reed hospital, where he did a poor job, to counsel soldiers who have been deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq on several occasions and the P.T.S.D. they live with, at Ft. Hood, all while never being deployed, not wanting to be deployed, and espousing anti-american bile, and then to be labeled as somehow abused or misunderstood, is appalling to most americans.

It's time for the United States to worry about America first, and the true patriots who serve our great country, and call out terrorism for what it is, as opposed to minimizing it , at the expense of few democracies left in the world.

By the way, I don't want the president of the United States to give "shout outs" to anyone prior to addressing the mass murder at Ft. Hood. I don't want the coolest dude as our president. So much fun was made of Mr. Bush's trouble with the english language, and how dumb he was. I'm not suggesting I was a fan of his, but he didn't try to be the coolest kid on the block, nor did any of the presidents before our current president.

I want our president to be the president of the United States, not president of the world, including the Muslim world. A nd yes, I understand all Muslims don't support violence, but too many do, and too many have committed violence toward the United States and Israel, and will continue to do so. We must take a strong stand against the muslim terrorism within our own country and not be apologists for terrorst actions by those who commit them.

Please don't call me a jingoist.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

medicinal marijuana and the children

California voters, that is those citizens who care enough to vote, have resoundingly voted in favor of the legalization of marijuana at least on three separate occasions in various propositions on the California ballot. The people have voted on what the people want. You'd think that would be sufficient, but it never has and at this rate it never will.
The problem with the california citizens who have legally voted for the legaization , to at least a certain extent, is the ability of a few elected officials, no less, to sabotage the voters desire because of their own personal beliefs. No, I don't understand how that can happen, but it has and continues to happen, as a baffled public looks on.
The people have voted for and passed medicinal marijuana propositions, so that medicinal marijuana shall be legally made available for those in need and for those who obtain medical authorization. Simple, right. Not even close.
First, the state approved proposition was met with the federal laws complete prohibition of the use of marijuana and therefore the voices of the people were stilled. Of course, in our democracy, that makes little sense other than vitiating states rights to do much of anything they choose to do for their own state.
Now, when the current president tells the federal authorities to back off and stop closing down cooperatives/dispensaries, that grow and/or dispense marijuana to those in both need and with doctors' prescriptions, the local district attorney, assembly persons, citycouncil persons, mayor, and local school boards persons, have taken matters into their own hands. They've raised the tremendous concern and risk to yo that these laws, and the most recent proposition have, to our school children.
These self righteous, self appointed protectors of our society (see, the PEOPLE of CALIFORNIA voted for this law) have decided that these dispensaries pose a serious drug problem to our schools. The logic is baffling. The users of medicinal marijuana, with doctors prescriptions for medicinal marijuana, after purchasing the medicinal marijuana legally, are somehow going to go directly to the closest schools and either sell the medicinal marijuana to all the school children, or just give evryone a free joint, so they can get the school children hooked on drugs. No kidding, that's the logic used by city council person Hamburger, and assembly person Budweiser, and district attorney Vicodin, and school board person Marlboro, to quelch and stymie the continued wishes of the people of the state of California.
It's alright that there is a pharmacy, a gas station, a liquor store, and a slew of McDonald's in the neighborhood of every school in San Diego, which sell unhealthy and obesity generating foods to all the school children, as well as cigarettes, alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs, all to easy for school children to buy and get their hands on.
Watch out for all those card carrying marijuana users, save the children, because they're heading right to school so they can turn on another unsuspecting youngster. Huh ? As incredible as it sounds, I watched on local television last week various citycouncil persons, schoolboard persons, assembly persons, and the district attorney raise the same old tired and true concerns of drugs coming to the public schools. What a crock. In my 40+ years of smoking grass with countless people from all walks of life, I've never known one individual to ever talk about such jibberish as to want to go to the local schools to turn on our school children. Never. With all of the millions of americans that smoke marijuana regularly, I do not believe that legaized dispensatories are being set up to increase their business by illegally selling medicinal marijuana to the school children at local schools.
This is nothing but a scare tactic from those who choose not to smoke and live for their ability to prevent others from doing so, albeit legally permissible. If these myopic persons would worry about the foods the school children are eating, or the cigarettes they smoke, or the alcohol they're drinking, while driving and on their cell phones, or the vast amount of pharmaceuticals these school children were ingesting, then perhaps we'd have a healthier and more enlightened public.
It's an utter disgrace for some fat politico or ultra religious quasi politico to undermine the will of the voters. I'm tired of watching the same old sad sack faces, who can't manage a budget or provide for their citizens, get the nose right in the middle of something that does not concern them. Jeez, if all these do gooders don't want to smoke pot, then don't, but shut the hell up about what others choose to do.
I've been living in San Diego for 30 years now, and can't recall one outstanding thing that any of these council persons, assembly persons, or governmental officials have done for the city and county of san diego, that didn't personally benefit themselves.
The debate is over. The voters have spoken. If you don't want to listen to the people of your state, don't run for office, and if you did, then resign if you can't abide by the people's wishes.