As I approach 62 I'm old enough to remember the Communist witchhunts, as typified by the House on Unamerican Activities , led by that hateful human being, Sen. Joe McCarthy. At the same time, there was rampant and blatant discrimination against blacks and jews, from hangings to beatings and to prohibition from clubs, hotels, restaurants, and schools, just because of their color and/or race. Those were shameful and unforgiveable times. Through the efforts of some brave Americans, black and white this country made significant progress in the form of Civil Rights Acts, and for standing up against the evil that permeated this country. Though racism against blacks and anti-semitism, still unfortunately exist in this country (it would have been a miracle for this inherent hatred to be totally eradicated), for the most part, this country has made great strides in taking us away from our hellish past.
What has transpired over the past twenty (20) years or so is a political correctness that has swung the pendulum too far so as not to offend the sensibilities of those that have been wrongfully decried as victims. This country has been under attack by Islamic and Arab terrorists for more than twenty (20) years. Israel has been under the same attack for more than fifty (50)
years. The massacre and slaughter at Fort Hood is just an example of the political correctness that has overtaken our militaryas well as our media and our present administration. My first and foremost concern is the safety and welfare of all Americans, particularly those soldiers that stand in harm's way to protect our freedom and civil liberties. It goes without question that Nidal Malik Hasan should not have been allowed to serve in the U. S. Army, based on his conduct and his beliefs. To be told that he snapped, which thus caused him to massacre more than 40 American soldiers on the base where he was allowed , after screaming his Islam loving and American hating words, and the people shouldn't rush to judgement, even though everything points to him as being a muslim terrorist, bent on his support of Al Qaeda, is an affront to all Americans, including all peaceful American muslims. The fear by our President and the majority of our media from calling this terrorist act for what it is, and calling him out for what he is, is disgraceful and feeds into the political correctness, that led us to this place we are now in.
When I hear Chris Matthews and his friends at msnbc label Rush Limbaugh and others who dare disagree with Matthews, et. al. as anti-americans, while asking what is wrong or the crime in Hasan attempting to communicate, if not communicating, no less than ten (10) to twenty (20) times with Al Qaeda and radical Islamists, I fear for our country by the abject failure of our media to honestly address the real problems facing this country as opposed to promulgating animus toward fellow Americans. Does Mr. Matthews think Al Qaeda are the good guys ? Can he give me one good reason why a major in the U.S. Army, would on his own wish to repeatedly communicate with Al Qaeda ? Exactly where has Mr. Matthews been for the past twenty (20)
years. Are anti-American lectures, communications, and rhetoric now acceptable behavior in our country ? No one ever denied that Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist and we've never shied away from calling white supremacists out for who they were. Why now the refusal to call Islamic and muslim terrorists exactly what they are. It's embarrassing that people like Matthews and
Olbermann are allowed to blame Limbaugh and others for the murder of an abortion doctor, with absolutely no basis in fact, and call them anti-American for their own opinions on what is best for this country, because they disagree with their own opinions, while making excuses and attempting to justify the blatant muslim terrorist massacre by a flat out jihadist, bent on causing mayhem toward American soldiers. Does anyone in the media or our President , for that matter, think that there was ever going to be the possibility that Hasan was going to "snap" in side the muslim mosques that he prayed in ? I don't think so. Please don't insult any of us that his mental problems was why he happened to call out for Allah before murdering and attempting to murder more than forty (40) soldiers on the largest U.S. Army base in the United States.
I can't believe that Gen. Casey and the present administration is more concerned with hurting the feelings of the majority of the muslims in our country than the safety of all good Americans, particularly those in the military. Claims by our administration and the media of a backlash by Americans toward peaceful muslims not bent on the destruction of America and Israel, should muslim extremist terrorist acts be called exactly what they are, is a political correctness that we can no longer afford. Whom are we trying to appease by all the excuses proffered by the politically correct apologists ?
Please note that I am not a fan of Rush Limbaugh or of any of the talk radio and /or right wing/ left wing television commentators that do little other than spew their vitriolic rhetoric at each other based on their own opinions, that apparently do not allow for any other interpretation.
Personally I've been an independent for as long as I can remember and frankly haven't liked the choices given to me for U.S. President since I've been old enough to vote. Notwithstanding, I've heard the "love it or leave it" mantra in the past, for disagreeing with whatever administration I've disagreed with, but never been called a "nut" or "anti-American" or "crazy" or most recently, "racist" for disagreeing with the policies of the current administration.
In fact, I spent the majority of my years as an attorney representing the less fortunate, and more particularly, minorities, under the California Government Code, for discrimination, as well as under various federal statutes. Growing up relatively poor in the Bronx, in one of the first middle class projects, built in New York City, I never looked at any individual by the color of their skin or their ethnicity. To now be labeled as a racist, not personally, but lumping in with others for my personal opinions, is a step back for this country and something for which I will vehemently oppose. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of one's skin color or ethnicity. I believe that to my core. Excuses are just that, excuses.
I read the other day in the New York Post, about an incident that occurred in a Harlem bar, not far from Columbia Universary. The article described how an apparently "prominent Columbia architecture professor" , Lionel McIntyre, punched out a woman, Camille Davis, while having a "discussion" about "white privelege". Mr. McIntyre, black, obviuosly didn't like the position taken by Ms. Davis, white. He desribed the incident as unfortunate. Unfortunate ? This is a classic example of modern day racism and is nothing short of a hate crime. I've yet to see one word about this "unfortunate incident" anywhere other than in this New York Post column. Not a sound from our President, quick to condemn the Cambridge cop, for the audacity of doing his job in reference to the President's good friend, Prof. Gates. Not a peep from Mr.Matthews or anyone in our politically correct media. Mr. McIntyre is actually an associate professor in the practice of community development within Columbia's graduate school of Architecture, Planning and Presentation, created in 1995. Not quite a prominent architectural professor. At the very least, he should have been suspended pending confirmation of what he did, then summarily fired and charged with a hate crime. Don't hold your breath. What do you think would have happened had a white professor knocked out a black woman, while discussing black privilege and affirmative action ? Racism in reversed role is still racism.
It's time for the people of this country to open up their eyes to the hypocrisy going on around them, with a blind eye to the terrorism and racism taking place in today's world, and not be frightened off by politically correctness.
Jackie Robinson and Larry Doby, the first black baseball players to play in the national league and american league, respectively, never lifted a finger against any of the thousands of fans and hundreds of ballplayers that spewed racial epithets. Things have not necessarily changed for the better.
Jimmy the Greek Snyder and Al Campanis had their long and noble careers destroyed as well as their lives for politically incorrect statements, labeled as racist, despite the fact that they never exhibited any racism in their entire lives. It's finally time to end this foolish political correctness in our society and call things , people, and actions for what they truly are.
What has transpired over the past twenty (20) years or so is a political correctness that has swung the pendulum too far so as not to offend the sensibilities of those that have been wrongfully decried as victims. This country has been under attack by Islamic and Arab terrorists for more than twenty (20) years. Israel has been under the same attack for more than fifty (50)
years. The massacre and slaughter at Fort Hood is just an example of the political correctness that has overtaken our militaryas well as our media and our present administration. My first and foremost concern is the safety and welfare of all Americans, particularly those soldiers that stand in harm's way to protect our freedom and civil liberties. It goes without question that Nidal Malik Hasan should not have been allowed to serve in the U. S. Army, based on his conduct and his beliefs. To be told that he snapped, which thus caused him to massacre more than 40 American soldiers on the base where he was allowed , after screaming his Islam loving and American hating words, and the people shouldn't rush to judgement, even though everything points to him as being a muslim terrorist, bent on his support of Al Qaeda, is an affront to all Americans, including all peaceful American muslims. The fear by our President and the majority of our media from calling this terrorist act for what it is, and calling him out for what he is, is disgraceful and feeds into the political correctness, that led us to this place we are now in.
When I hear Chris Matthews and his friends at msnbc label Rush Limbaugh and others who dare disagree with Matthews, et. al. as anti-americans, while asking what is wrong or the crime in Hasan attempting to communicate, if not communicating, no less than ten (10) to twenty (20) times with Al Qaeda and radical Islamists, I fear for our country by the abject failure of our media to honestly address the real problems facing this country as opposed to promulgating animus toward fellow Americans. Does Mr. Matthews think Al Qaeda are the good guys ? Can he give me one good reason why a major in the U.S. Army, would on his own wish to repeatedly communicate with Al Qaeda ? Exactly where has Mr. Matthews been for the past twenty (20)
years. Are anti-American lectures, communications, and rhetoric now acceptable behavior in our country ? No one ever denied that Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist and we've never shied away from calling white supremacists out for who they were. Why now the refusal to call Islamic and muslim terrorists exactly what they are. It's embarrassing that people like Matthews and
Olbermann are allowed to blame Limbaugh and others for the murder of an abortion doctor, with absolutely no basis in fact, and call them anti-American for their own opinions on what is best for this country, because they disagree with their own opinions, while making excuses and attempting to justify the blatant muslim terrorist massacre by a flat out jihadist, bent on causing mayhem toward American soldiers. Does anyone in the media or our President , for that matter, think that there was ever going to be the possibility that Hasan was going to "snap" in side the muslim mosques that he prayed in ? I don't think so. Please don't insult any of us that his mental problems was why he happened to call out for Allah before murdering and attempting to murder more than forty (40) soldiers on the largest U.S. Army base in the United States.
I can't believe that Gen. Casey and the present administration is more concerned with hurting the feelings of the majority of the muslims in our country than the safety of all good Americans, particularly those in the military. Claims by our administration and the media of a backlash by Americans toward peaceful muslims not bent on the destruction of America and Israel, should muslim extremist terrorist acts be called exactly what they are, is a political correctness that we can no longer afford. Whom are we trying to appease by all the excuses proffered by the politically correct apologists ?
Please note that I am not a fan of Rush Limbaugh or of any of the talk radio and /or right wing/ left wing television commentators that do little other than spew their vitriolic rhetoric at each other based on their own opinions, that apparently do not allow for any other interpretation.
Personally I've been an independent for as long as I can remember and frankly haven't liked the choices given to me for U.S. President since I've been old enough to vote. Notwithstanding, I've heard the "love it or leave it" mantra in the past, for disagreeing with whatever administration I've disagreed with, but never been called a "nut" or "anti-American" or "crazy" or most recently, "racist" for disagreeing with the policies of the current administration.
In fact, I spent the majority of my years as an attorney representing the less fortunate, and more particularly, minorities, under the California Government Code, for discrimination, as well as under various federal statutes. Growing up relatively poor in the Bronx, in one of the first middle class projects, built in New York City, I never looked at any individual by the color of their skin or their ethnicity. To now be labeled as a racist, not personally, but lumping in with others for my personal opinions, is a step back for this country and something for which I will vehemently oppose. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of one's skin color or ethnicity. I believe that to my core. Excuses are just that, excuses.
I read the other day in the New York Post, about an incident that occurred in a Harlem bar, not far from Columbia Universary. The article described how an apparently "prominent Columbia architecture professor" , Lionel McIntyre, punched out a woman, Camille Davis, while having a "discussion" about "white privelege". Mr. McIntyre, black, obviuosly didn't like the position taken by Ms. Davis, white. He desribed the incident as unfortunate. Unfortunate ? This is a classic example of modern day racism and is nothing short of a hate crime. I've yet to see one word about this "unfortunate incident" anywhere other than in this New York Post column. Not a sound from our President, quick to condemn the Cambridge cop, for the audacity of doing his job in reference to the President's good friend, Prof. Gates. Not a peep from Mr.Matthews or anyone in our politically correct media. Mr. McIntyre is actually an associate professor in the practice of community development within Columbia's graduate school of Architecture, Planning and Presentation, created in 1995. Not quite a prominent architectural professor. At the very least, he should have been suspended pending confirmation of what he did, then summarily fired and charged with a hate crime. Don't hold your breath. What do you think would have happened had a white professor knocked out a black woman, while discussing black privilege and affirmative action ? Racism in reversed role is still racism.
It's time for the people of this country to open up their eyes to the hypocrisy going on around them, with a blind eye to the terrorism and racism taking place in today's world, and not be frightened off by politically correctness.
Jackie Robinson and Larry Doby, the first black baseball players to play in the national league and american league, respectively, never lifted a finger against any of the thousands of fans and hundreds of ballplayers that spewed racial epithets. Things have not necessarily changed for the better.
Jimmy the Greek Snyder and Al Campanis had their long and noble careers destroyed as well as their lives for politically incorrect statements, labeled as racist, despite the fact that they never exhibited any racism in their entire lives. It's finally time to end this foolish political correctness in our society and call things , people, and actions for what they truly are.
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