Monday, November 9, 2009

The Audacity of Politics

When I hear that the house passed the new and revised health care legislation by a
220-215 vote, I asked myself what that meant. Sure, the senate will unlikely affirm the current bill, but what if it does pass by a 51-49 vote. That would mean that by a 50.7 - 49.3 % vote of the congress, every american in the united states would be forever affected by this health care plan. It just doesn't seem fair to all americans that by one of the narrowest passages of a bill in our history, the most sweeping change to america's health care would be foisted on all americans. Really makes no sense. Despite campaign promises adnauseum of an open and honest government, we have closed door sessions by a chosen few, political dealmaking from start to finish,and a complete failure of any open and honest discussion by all americans on the issue, responsible for a 2000 page hodge podge of a bill affecting every single american.

Where is the entire public's right to be heard on this most sweeping and important piece of legislation since our civil rights laws ? Nothing to be afraid of if it's all of the united states that will be affected by this bill. It's nowhere present, because the only change that has taken place is that we've gone from one party and it's own personal agenda running our government for their own self purposes to another party's using their position of power for their own self interests. Once again we the people of the united states get used as another ping pong ball, for the ugly and personal politics of the republican and democratic parties. I say a pox on both parties. How 50.7% of a corrupt congress can speak for 100% of americans is outrageous to me, particularly when most americans only wish to lower their healthcare costs, not 100% change the american healthcare system. Anything that will permanently change the healthcare system of the united states should be the product of open and honest debate by all americans and not just by our congress and media talking heads who can't agree on anything.
The divide gets wider by the day, and our government remains politics as usual. Statistics used to suit each party's own agenda as opposed to the real truth.
The people of this country need to be heard and listened to as opposed to being told what to expect and when they dare disagree with proposed sweeping legislation, not be told how wrong or stupid they are, or that they are anti-american.

To hear our politically correct government and media treat this Muslim mass murderer of our men and women of our military, as some sort of misunderstood victim of depression and racial abuse, is beyond sickening. A lifetime muslim who was vehemently opposed to any war involving the United States and any arab country; who espoused beliefs of women as 2nd class citizens; who spent time on his computer reading the value and worth of suicide bombers; and who who praised Allah while commencing to conduct the worst mass murder on a U.S. Army base in american history, and we're told to withhold judgement and not feel any ill feelings to the muslim world, is a more than I can fathom. I must call it as I see it. A muslim terrorist inside the U.S. Army, bent on the destruction of the United States. But we have an administration that has clearly chosen sides on where it /the president falls on indignation and outrage.

Compare and contrast the following:

" I don't know not having been there and not seeing all the facts what role race played in that, but I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that he [Cambridge police] acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home."


" This morning I met with FBI Director Mueller and the relevant agencies to discuss their ongoing investigation into what caused one individual to turn his gun on fellow servicemen and women. We don't know all the answers yet and I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts. "

and... "we cannot fully know what leads a man to do such a thing."

Can we at least say he acted stupidly ?

The bias of our present administration and its constant attempt to portray the Muslim world in the best light possible disregarding all the facts in front of it, is disgraceful and a slap in the face to the victims of this terrorist slaughter and to all american soldiers that love the United States and fight for this country first and foremost and for freedom in the world abhoring terrorism.

I don't wish to hear from the murderer's Muslim cousin nor psychiatrists trying to explain his violent outburst. How this hateful muslim can be allowed a lateral transfer from Walter Reed hospital, where he did a poor job, to counsel soldiers who have been deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq on several occasions and the P.T.S.D. they live with, at Ft. Hood, all while never being deployed, not wanting to be deployed, and espousing anti-american bile, and then to be labeled as somehow abused or misunderstood, is appalling to most americans.

It's time for the United States to worry about America first, and the true patriots who serve our great country, and call out terrorism for what it is, as opposed to minimizing it , at the expense of few democracies left in the world.

By the way, I don't want the president of the United States to give "shout outs" to anyone prior to addressing the mass murder at Ft. Hood. I don't want the coolest dude as our president. So much fun was made of Mr. Bush's trouble with the english language, and how dumb he was. I'm not suggesting I was a fan of his, but he didn't try to be the coolest kid on the block, nor did any of the presidents before our current president.

I want our president to be the president of the United States, not president of the world, including the Muslim world. A nd yes, I understand all Muslims don't support violence, but too many do, and too many have committed violence toward the United States and Israel, and will continue to do so. We must take a strong stand against the muslim terrorism within our own country and not be apologists for terrorst actions by those who commit them.

Please don't call me a jingoist.


  1. I got home from work today and received two political phone calls asking for money for support of their campaigns. Really? You want my money? To get your message out for change? You are going to fulfill these new promises right? Hey Politicians, we have seen this movie before.

    I say we as American's stop contributing to their campaigns. That would be a start.
